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  • Danh Doan's avatar
    t5534: split stdout and stderr redirection · 2cd6e1d5
    Danh Doan authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    On atomic pushing failure with GnuPG, we expect a very specific output
    in stdout due to `--porcelain` switch.
    On such failure, we also write down some helpful hint into stderr
    in order to help user understand what happens and how to continue from
    those failures.
    On a lot of system, those hint (in stderr) will be flushed first,
    then those messages in stdout will be flushed. In such systems, the
    current test code is fine as is.
    However, we don't have such guarantee, (at least) there're some real
    systems that writes those stream interleaved. On such systems, we may
    see the stderr stream written in the middle of stdout stream.
    Let's split those stream redirection. By splitting those stream,
    the output stream will contain exactly what we want to compare,
    thus, saving us a "sed" invocation.
    While we're at it, change the `test_i18ncmp` to `test_cmp` because we
    will never translate those messages (because of `--porcelain`).
    Signed-off-by: Danh Doan's avatarĐoàn Trần Công Danh <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>