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  • Taylor Blau's avatar
    lockfile.c: introduce 'hold_lock_file_for_update_mode' · fa3bff24
    Taylor Blau authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    We use 'hold_lock_file_for_update' (and the '_timeout') variant to
    acquire a lock when updating references, the commit-graph file, and so
    In particular, the commit-graph machinery uses this to acquire a
    temporary file that is used to write a non-split commit-graph. In a
    subsequent commit, an issue in the commit-graph machinery produces
    graph files that have a different permission based on whether or not
    they are part of a multi-layer graph will be addressed.
    To do so, the commit-graph machinery will need a version of
    'hold_lock_file_for_update' that takes the permission bits from the
    Introduce such a function in this patch for both the
    'hold_lock_file_for_update' and 'hold_lock_file_for_update_timeout'
    functions, and leave the existing functions alone by inlining their
    definitions in terms of the new mode variants.
    Note that, like in the previous commit, 'hold_lock_file_for_update_mode'
    is not guarenteed to set the given mode, since it...