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  • Santiago Torres's avatar
    t7004, t7030: fix here-doc syntax errors · b42ca35e
    Santiago Torres authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Jan Palus noticed that some here-doc are spelled incorrectly,
    resulting the entire remainder of the test snippet being slurped
    into the "expect" file as if it were data, e.g. in this sequence
    	cat >expect <<EOF &&
    	... expectation ...
    	git $cmd_being_tested >actual &&
    	test_cmp expect actual
    the last command of the test is "cat" that sends everything to
    'expect' and succeeds.
    Fixing these issues in t7004 and t7030 reveals that "git tag -v"
    and "git verify-tag" with their --format option do not work as the
    test was expecting originally.  Instead of showing both valid tags
    and tags with incorrect signatures on their output, tags that do not
    pass verification are omitted from the output.  Another breakage that
    is uncovered is that these tests must be restricted to environment
    where gpg is available.
    Arguably, that is a safer behaviour, and because the format
    specifiers like %(tag) do not have a way to show if the signature
    verifies correctly, the command with the --format option cannot be
    used to get a list of tags annotated with their signature validity
    For now, let's fix the here-doc syntax, update the expectation to
    match the reality, and update the test prerequisite.
    Maybe later when we extend the --format language available to "git
    tag -v" and "git verify-tag" to include things like "%(gpg:status)",
    we may want to change the behaviour so that piping a list of tag
    names into
        xargs git verify-tag --format='%(gpg:status) %(tag)'
    becomes a good way to produce such a list, but that is a separate
    Noticed-by: default avatarJan Palus <>
    Helped-by: default avatarJeff King <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSantiago Torres <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>