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  • Junio C Hamano's avatar
    t9902: protect test from stray build artifacts · 50478223
    Junio C Hamano authored
    When you have random build artifacts in your build directory, left
    behind by running "make" while on another branch, the "git help -a"
    command run by __git_list_all_commands in the completion script that
    is being tested does not have a way to know that they are not part
    of the subcommands this build will ship.  Such extra subcommands may
    come from the user's $PATH.  They will interfere with the tests that
    expect a certain prefix to uniquely expand to a known completion.
    Instrument the completion script and give it a way for us to tell
    what (subset of) subcommands we are going to ship.
    Also add a test to "git --help <prefix><TAB>" expansion.  It needs
    to show not just commands but some selected documentation pages.
    Based on an idea by Jeff King.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>