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  • Junio C Hamano's avatar
    revamp git-clone. · dfeff66e
    Junio C Hamano authored
    This does two things.
     * A new flag --reference can be used to name a local repository
       that is to be used as an alternate.  This is in response to
       an inquiry by James Cloos in the message on the list
     * A new flag --use-separate-remote stops contaminating local
       branch namespace by upstream branch names.  The upstream
       branch heads are copied in .git/refs/remotes/ instead of
       .git/refs/heads/ and .git/remotes/origin file is set up to
       reflect this as well.  It requires to have fetch/pull update
       to understand .git/refs/remotes by Eric Wong to further
       update the repository cloned this way.
    For the former change, git-fetch-pack is taught a new flag --all
    to fetch from all the remote heads.  Nobody uses the git-clone-pack
    with this change, so we could deprecate the command, but removal
    of the command will be left to a separate round.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>