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  • Elijah Newren's avatar
    git-rebase, sequencer: extend --quiet option for the interactive machinery · 899b49c4
    Elijah Newren authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    While 'quiet' and 'interactive' may sound like antonyms, the interactive
    machinery actually has logic that implements several
    interactive_rebase=implied cases (--exec, --keep-empty, --rebase-merges)
    which won't pop up an editor.  The rewrite of interactive rebase in C
    added a quiet option, though it only turns stats off.  Since we want to
    make the interactive machinery also take over for git-rebase--merge, it
    should fully implement the --quiet option.
    git-rebase--interactive was already somewhat quieter than
    git-rebase--merge and git-rebase--am, possibly because cherry-pick has
    just traditionally been quieter.  As such, we only drop a few
    informational messages -- "Rebasing (n/m)" and "Successfully rebased..."
    Also, for simplicity, remove the differences in how quiet and verbose
    options were recorded.  Having one be signalled by the presence of a
    "verbose" file in the state_dir, while the other was signalled by the
    contents of a "quiet" file was just weirdly inconsistent.  (This
    inconsistency pre-dated the rewrite into C.)  Make them consistent by
    having them both key off the presence of the file.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarElijah Newren <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>