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  • Chayoung You's avatar
    zsh: complete unquoted paths with spaces correctly · 7a478b36
    Chayoung You authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    The following is the description of -Q flag of zsh compadd [1]:
        This flag instructs the completion code not to quote any
        metacharacters in the words when inserting them into the command
    Let's say there is a file named 'foo bar.txt' in repository, but it's
    not yet added to the repository. Then the following command triggers a
        git add fo<Tab>
        git add 'fo<Tab>
        git add "fo<Tab>
    The completion results in bash:
        git add foo\ bar.txt
        git add 'foo bar.txt'
        git add "foo bar.txt"
    While them in zsh:
        git add foo bar.txt
        git add 'foo bar.txt'
        git add "foo bar.txt"
    The first one, where the pathname is not enclosed in quotes, should
    escape the space with a backslash, just like bash completion does.
    Otherwise, this leads git to think there are two files; foo, and
    The main cause of this behavior is __gitcomp_file_direct(). The both
    implementions of bash and zsh are called with an argument 'foo bar.txt',
    but only bash adds a backslash before a space on command line.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChayoung You <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>