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  • Patrick Reynolds's avatar
    unblock and unignore SIGPIPE · 7559a1be
    Patrick Reynolds authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Blocked and ignored signals -- but not caught signals -- are inherited
    across exec.  Some callers with sloppy signal-handling behavior can call
    git with SIGPIPE blocked or ignored, even non-deterministically.  When
    SIGPIPE is blocked or ignored, several git commands can run indefinitely,
    ignoring EPIPE returns from write() calls, even when the process that
    called them has gone away.  Our specific case involved a pipe of git
    diff-tree output to a script that reads a limited amount of diff data.
    In an ideal world, git would never be called with SIGPIPE blocked or
    ignored.  But in the real world, several real potential callers, including
    Perl, Apache, and Unicorn, sometimes spawn subprocesses with SIGPIPE
    ignored.  It is easier and more productive to harden git against this
    mistake than to clean it up in every potential parent process.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPatrick Reynolds <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>