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  • Shawn O. Pearce's avatar
    git-gui: Corrected behavior of deleted (but existing in HEAD) files. · 6b0f3f46
    Shawn O. Pearce authored
    Apparently I did not account for the D_ file state.  This can occur when
    a file has been marked for deletion by deleting it from the index, and
    the file also does not exist in the working directory.  Typically this
    happens when the user deletes the file, hits Rescan, then includes the
    missing file in the commit, then hits Rescan again.  We don't find the
    file in the working directory but its been removed in the index, so the
    state becomes D_.
    This state should be identical with DD.  I'm not entirely sure why DD
    occurs sometimes and D_ others, it would seem like D_ is the state that
    should be happening instead of DD, leading me to believe there is a quirk
    in git-gui's state manipulation code.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarShawn O. Pearce <>