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  • Taylor Blau's avatar
    builtin/config: introduce `--default` · eeaa24b9
    Taylor Blau authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    For some use cases, callers of the `git-config(1)` builtin would like to
    fallback to default values when the variable asked for does not exist.
    In addition, users would like to use existing type specifiers to ensure
    that values are parsed correctly when they do exist in the
    For example, to fetch a value without a type specifier and fallback to
    `$fallback`, the following is required:
      $ git config || echo "$fallback"
    This is fine for most values, but can be tricky for difficult-to-express
    `$fallback`'s, like ANSI color codes.
    This motivates `--get-color`, which is a one-off exception to the normal
    type specifier rules wherein a user specifies both the configuration
    variable and an optional fallback. Both are formatted according to their
    type specifier, which eases the burden on the user to ensure that values
    are correctly formatted.
    This commit (and those following it in this series) aim to eventually
    replace `--get-color` with a consistent alternative. By introducing
    `--default`, we allow the `--get-color` action to be promoted to a
    `--type=color` type specifier, retaining the "fallback" behavior via the
    `--default` flag introduced in this commit.
    For example, we aim to replace:
      $ git config --get-color variable [default] [...]
      $ git config --default default --type=color variable [...]
    Values filled by `--default` behave exactly as if they were present in
    the affected configuration file; they will be parsed by type specifiers
    without the knowledge that they are not themselves present in the
    Specifically, this means that the following will work:
      $ git config --int --default 1M does.not.exist
    In subsequent commits, we will offer `--type=color`, which (in
    conjunction with `--default`) will be sufficient to replace
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTaylor Blau <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>