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  • Jeff King's avatar
    submodule-config: ban submodule paths that start with a dash · 273c6149
    Jeff King authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    We recently banned submodule urls that look like
    command-line options. This is the matching change to ban
    leading-dash paths.
    As with the urls, this should not break any use cases that
    currently work. Even with our "--" separator passed to
    git-clone, gets confused. Without the code
    portion of this patch, the clone of "-sub" added in t7417
    would yield results like:
        /path/to/git-submodule: 410: cd: Illegal option -s
        /path/to/git-submodule: 417: cd: Illegal option -s
        /path/to/git-submodule: 410: cd: Illegal option -s
        /path/to/git-submodule: 417: cd: Illegal option -s
        Fetched in submodule path '-sub', but it did not contain b56243f8f4eb91b2f1f8109452e659f14dd3fbe4. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
    Moreover, naively adding such a submodule doesn't work:
      $ git submodule add $url -sub
      The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
    even though there is no such ignore pattern (the test script
    hacks around this with a well-placed "git mv").
    Unlike leading-dash urls, though, it's possible that such a
    path _could_ be useful if we eventually made it work. So
    this commit should be seen not as recommending a particular
    policy, but rather temporarily closing off a broken and
    possibly dangerous code-path. We may revisit this decision
    There are two minor differences to the tests in t7416 (that
    covered urls):
      1. We don't have a "./-sub" escape hatch to make this
         work, since the submodule code expects to be able to
         match canonical index names to the path field (so you
         are free to add submodule config with that path, but we
         would never actually use it, since an index entry would
         never start with "./").
      2. After this patch, cloning actually succeeds. Since we
         ignore the submodule.*.path value, we fail to find a
         config stanza for our submodule at all, and simply
         treat it as inactive. We still check for the "ignoring"
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff King <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>