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  • Daniel Barkalow's avatar
    Add flag to make unpack_trees() not print errors. · 17e46426
    Daniel Barkalow authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    (This applies only to errors where a plausible operation is impossible due
    to the particular data, not to errors resulting from misuse of the merge
    This will allow builtin-checkout to suppress merge errors if it's
    going to try more merging methods.
    Additionally, if unpack_trees() returns with an error, but without
    printing anything, it will roll back any changes to the index (by
    rereading the index, currently). This obviously could be done by the
    caller, but chances are that the caller would forget and debugging
    this is difficult. Also, future implementations may give unpack_trees() a
    more efficient way of undoing its changes than the caller could.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Barkalow <>