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  • Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason's avatar
    Makefile: replace perl/Makefile.PL with simple make rules · 20d2a30f
    Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Replace the perl/Makefile.PL and the fallback perl/Makefile used under
    NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER=NoThanks with a much simpler implementation heavily
    inspired by how the i18n infrastructure's build process works[1].
    The reason for having the Makefile.PL in the first place is that it
    was initially[2] building a perl C binding to interface with libgit,
    this functionality, that was removed[3] before ever made it to
    the master branch.
    We've since since started maintaining a fallback perl/Makefile, as
    MakeMaker wouldn't work on some platforms[4]. That's just the tip of
    the iceberg. We have the PM.stamp hack in the top-level Makefile[5] to
    detect whether we need to regenerate the perl/perl.mak, which I fixed
    just recently to deal with issues like the perl version changing from
    under us[6].
    There is absolutely no reason for why this needs to be so complex
    anymore. All we're getting out of this elaborate Rube Goldberg machine
    was copying perl/* to perl/bl...