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  • Ramsay Allan Jones's avatar
    New tests and en-passant modifications to mktag. · 446c6fae
    Ramsay Allan Jones authored
    These changes were originally part of the next patch, but have been
    split out since they were peripheral to the main purpose of that patch.
      - update comment describing the signature format to reflect
        the current code.
      - remove trailing \n in calls to error(), since a \n is already
        provided by error().
      - remove redundant call to get_sha1_hex().
      - call sha1_to_hex(sha1) to convert to ascii, rather than attempting
        to print the raw sha1.
    The new tests provide a regression suite to support the modifications
    to git-mktag in this and the next patch.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRamsay Allan Jones <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>