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  • Peter Boling's avatar
    Appraisal & Combustion; Rails 3, 6, & 7 Compat fixes (#105) · a9c1d9a1
    Peter Boling authored
    * 🧑‍💻 Default to No DEBUG=true
    * 👷 Setup Appraisal
    * 👷 Attempt to use custom RuboCop version
    * 👷 Unspecify rubygems version for old Ruby + Rails combos
    * 👷 Remove rubygems version for old Ruby + Rails combos
    * 👷 Specify old bundler version for old Ruby + Rails combos
    * 👷 Experimental true for finicky bundler/rubygems combos
    * 🚨 Lint lock
    * 👷 Ancient Rails Support
    * 👷 Fix names
    * 💚 Fix test
    * 💚 Fix test
    * 💚 Fix tests
    * 💚 Fix env variables
    * 💚 Fix env variables
    * 💚 Fix rdoc version
    * 💚 Allow JSON Version for Rails 4 support
    * 💚 consolidate on matrix.rails
    *  Combustion Test Rails App
    *  Combustion Testing
    * 👷 Combustion Testing
    * 💚 Fix dependency version pins
    * 💚 Fix code coverage
    * 🔨 Regenerate Appraisals
    *  Min branch cov = 72%
    * 🔧 Fix path to gemspec
    *  rspec-rails
    *  actionpack
    *  Add back Rails 3.0-, 3.1, 3.2
    * 📌 rake v10 for ancient Appraisals
    * 📌 tzinfo v1 for ancient Rails
    * 📌 delivery_method :test for Rails 3
    * 📌 undefined method `unparsed_value' for #<Mail::OptionalField> on Rails 3
    * 📌 branch coverage @ 71%
    * 📌 undefined method `unparsed_value' for #<Mail::OptionalField> on Rails 3
    * 💚 Fix test on Rails 3
    * 💚 Fix typo
    * 🚨 Lint lock
    * 👷 Turn off experimental CI flags
    * 👷 prefer block_is_expected
    * 🔥 Remove bogus comment
    * 🔥 Remove bogus comments
    * 📝 Improve documentation
    * 🚨 Disable RSpec/ExampleLength
    * 📝 Documentation
    * 🔧 89% coverage
    * 🔖 Prepare release v2.0.6
    * 🚨 Lint lock
    * 📝 Improved documentation
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