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"Style Change Password Page" & Update other Account Pages

Emily Jensen requested to merge 243-change-pw-styling into dev

Closes #243 (closed) and #260 (closed)

Account Frame

  • Created a wrapper to use for some account pages on mobile (currently it's being used by exporter, error reporting, and change password)

Change Password

  • Check for consistent styling and accurate error states
  • For non-field errors, the page scrolls back to the top so a user can see it - is ngOnChanges a good way to do this?


  • Moved submit button to bottom for consistency.
  • Choose csv button is not at the bottom. I chose not to do this because it isn't a submit button, I want to limit the time put into mobile changes, and it changes to choose different file when a csv is selected.
  • Didn't use account-frame because the component is a bit more complex & didn't want to spend a ton of time on this since it is technically out of scope


Error Reporting

  • Added account-frame component
  • Added progress indicator

Other thoughts

  • Account-frame uses the old auth-styles.component.css. I directed all the components that were using auth-styles to use account-frame instead. This isn't ideal, but auth.styles wasn't either, and account-frame is at least not in the account module.
  • Right now, account-frame uses very simple inputs. Eventually, it would be nice to have this support more complex layouts, such as log in and importer but that was out of scope for this issue.
Edited by Emily Jensen

Merge request reports