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Change view for loose content / Refactor data ingestion & loose content management

Tom Käsler requested to merge rebasing-the-refactoring into master

Change view for loose content:

  • Add a button for on the fly content group creation
  • Have check boxes to select content that goes into a new group
  • Remove toggle buttons for locking questions and enabling answers

Refactor storage data:

  • Implement a global storage to handle session and local storage
  • Move content groups, room and device info into in-memory data store
  • Use constants for storage keys

Add resolvers:

  • Implement room resolver to ingest the current room into components
  • Implement content group resolver to ingest current group data into components

Refactor loose content:

  • Rename 'Content without a group' into 'Loose Content'
  • Implement on-the-fly content group creation from loose content
  • Split components for handling content groups and loose content
    • Both inherit from a common component

Refactor content group management:

  • Delete and post a content group when renaming it
    • Backend disallowes renaming content groups because of collision problems with names

!Closes #498 (closed)

Edited by Daniel Gerhardt

Merge request reports