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Question series template selection for creator room overview

Lukas Weingarten requested to merge 1195-question-series-template-selection into master


  1. Adjust core template models and service according to backend changes
  • ContentGroupTemplate
  • TemplateTag
  • TemplateService
  1. Create reusable components for template tag and language selection

Create TemplateTagSelectionComponent for selection of template tags. Selected tags were emitted via selectedTagsChanged and can be set initially with selectedTags input. Creation of new tags on the fly is disabled by default and can be enabled with allowCreation.

Create TemplateLanguageSelectionComponent for selection of template lang. Selected lang is emitted via selectedLangChanged and can be set initially with selectedLang.

Use these components in ContentGroupTemplateEditingComponent.

Content group template selection in creators room overview

Create ContentGroupTemplateComponent which displays all relevant informations of content group templates as a list item. Selection event is emitted via templateSelected.

Create ContentGroupTemplateSelectionComponent which displays public and own templates in a dialog. For filtering public templates, language and tags can be selected. If a template selection event is received, a copy of the template is added to the room.

Add new button "Use Template" to creators room overview which opens the content group template selection dialog.



Room overview with no question series


Question series template selection in room overview


Buttons appear while hovering over template items

Screenshot from 2023-10-24 11-54-50.png

Added question series after template selection



Room overview with no question series (left) and question series template selection in room overview right) (mobile)

localhost_4200_edit_47169251(iPhone SE).pnglocalhost_4200_edit_47169251(iPhone SE) (1).png

Depends on !1854 (merged), arsnova-server!707 (merged)

Closes #1195 (closed)

Merge request reports