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Migrate to Angular 14

Daniel Gerhardt requested to merge ng-14 into master

Performed upgrade via Angular CLI:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core
ng update @angular/cdk @angular/material
** Executing migrations of package '@angular/cli' **

▸ Remove 'defaultProject' option from workspace configuration.
  The project to use will be determined from the current working directory.
UPDATE angular.json (5408 bytes)
  Migration completed.

▸ Remove 'showCircularDependencies' option from browser and server builders.
  Migration completed.

▸ Replace 'defaultCollection' option in workspace configuration with 'schematicCollections'.
  Migration completed.

▸ Update Angular packages 'dependencies' and 'devDependencies' version prefix to '^' instead of '~'.
✔ Packages installed successfully.
  Migration completed.

▸ Remove 'package.json' files from library projects secondary entrypoints.
  Migration completed.

▸ Update TypeScript compilation target to 'ES2020'.
UPDATE tsconfig.json (616 bytes)
UPDATE projects/extension-point/tsconfig.lib.json (463 bytes)
  Migration completed.

** Executing migrations of package '@angular/core' **

▸ As of Angular version 13, `entryComponents` are no longer necessary.
  Migration completed.

▸ In Angular version 14, the `pathMatch` property of `Routes` was updated to be a strict union of the two valid options: `'full'|'prefix'`.
  `Routes` and `Route` variables need an explicit type so TypeScript does not infer the property as the looser `string`.
  Migration completed.

▸ As of Angular version 14, Forms model classes accept a type parameter, and existing usages must be opted out to preserve backwards-compatibility.
UPDATE src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/create-comment/create-comment.component.ts (4025 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/_dialogs/user-activation/user-activation.component.ts (2493 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/form-error-state-matcher/form-error-state-matcher.ts (460 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/password-entry/password-entry.component.ts (3003 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/register/register.component.ts (3049 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/password-reset/password-reset.component.ts (2623 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/login/login.component.ts (7293 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/home/request-password-reset/request-password-reset.component.ts (2356 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/admin/user-search-field/user-search-field.component.ts (1785 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/shared/room-join/room-join.component.ts (4171 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/components/creator/settings/access/access.component.ts (4996 bytes)
  Migration completed.
** Executing migrations of package '@angular/cdk' **

▸ Updates the Angular CDK to v14.
    /src/app/components/shared/stepper/stepper.component.ts@62:5 - Found "CdkStepper" constructed with an invalid signature. Please manually update the super expression to match the new signature: super(Directionality, ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef<HTMLElement>)
    Skipping migration for project arsnova-angular-frontend-e2e. Unable to determine 'tsconfig.json' file in workspace config.

      ✓  Updated Angular CDK to version 14

      ⚠  Some issues were detected but could not be fixed automatically. Please check the output above and fix these issues manually.
  Migration completed.

** Executing migrations of package '@angular/material' **

▸ Updates the Angular Material to v14.
    Skipping migration for project arsnova-angular-frontend-e2e. Unable to determine 'tsconfig.json' file in workspace config.

      ✓  Updated Angular Material to version 14

  Migration completed.

Merge request reports