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Feature/174 add extra information on probe parameters

Closes #174 (closed)

Add the description and mandatory/optional criteria at the ProbeParameter level (rather than at the Probe description level).

{"probes":[{"name":"probes/xUkSnG_BSVCn-AX1khPLYg","probe_name":"ping","display_name":"Ping","description":"Ping is a probe that sends an ICMP Echo message to a host and reports statistics on the round trip.\n\nResults are:\n- sent : the number of packets sent\n- received : the number of packets received\n- min : the minimum round trip time, in nanoseconds\n- max : the maximum round trip time, in nanoseconds\n- avg : the average round trip time, in nanoseconds\n- stddev : the standard deviation of round trip times, in nanoseconds.","parameters":[{"name":"address","type":"","desc":"target address, IP or hostname","mandatory":true},{"name":"interval","type":"","desc":"the wait time between each packet send. Defaults to 1s"},{"name":"count","type":"","desc":"the number of ICMP packets to send. Defaults to 4"},{"name":"timeout","type":"","desc":"the time to run the ping, until it exits. If the timeout is reached before the packet count has been reached, exits anyway. Defaults to 10s"}]},{"name":"probes/QKqt4vWKRqiUBgQkEB_2Lg","probe_name":"checksum","display_name":"File checksum","description":"Checksum probe returns the checksum of a file.\n\nResults are:\n- checksum : The result of a checksum as a hexadecimal string.","parameters":[{"name":"path","type":"","desc":"The path of the file to check.","mandatory":true},{"name":"hash","type":"","desc":"The hash algorithm to use. One of `crc32`, `md5`, `sha1`, `sha256`. Defaults to `crc32`"}]},{"name":"probes/sFuzeAqMS6u3AzbzNKfFEw","probe_name":"cpu","display_name":"CPU Usage","description":"CPU probes CPU usage.\n\nResults are:\n- cpu_count : total number of CPUs/cores on target, `0` for result averaged over all CPUs/cores.\n- cpu_%d : % of utilization for a specific CPU/core. Template string, not an actual key.\n- cpu_all : % of utilization over all CPUs/cores.","parameters":[{"name":"per-cpu","type":"","desc":"set to `false` to collect utilization % averaged over all CPUs/cores. Defaults to `true`"},{"name":"interval","type":"","desc":"interval over which CPU utilization is calculated. Defaults to 1 second"}]},{"name":"probes/-DaA0Ya2QQ6TPX2xG67M5g","probe_name":"disk","display_name":"Disk Usage","description":"Disk probes disk statistics.\n\nResults are:\n- free: Free space on the disk, in bytes\n- used: Used space on the disk, in bytes\n- used-percent: Percentage of disk space left, `free / (free + used)`\n- inodes-free: Number of free inodes on the disk\n- inodes-used: Number of used inodes on the disk\n- inodes-used-percent: Percentage of inodes left, `free / (free + used)`"},{"name":"probes/CpXQzjOVTMKzCvPLAnXZyQ","probe_name":"http","display_name":"HTTP request","description":"HTTP is a probe that sends an HTTP request and gathers data on the response.\n\nResults are:\n- rtt: time between sending the HTTP request and receiving the response, in nanoseconds\n- status-code: the HTTP response s status code\n- response-content: the HTTP content of the response (depending on the configuration of the probe)","parameters":[{"name":"method","type":"","desc":"HTTP request method (`GET`, `POST`, etc.). Defaults to `GET`"},{"name":"url","type":"","desc":"HTTP request URL","mandatory":true},{"name":"body","type":"","desc":"HTTP Body of the request"},{"name":"timeout","type":"","desc":"duration before the HTTP request times out"},{"name":"response-content","type":"","desc":"content from the response to be submitted in the results","mandatory":true}]},{"name":"probes/NfmZ-QZrQlCaDIGXZ_1n-g","probe_name":"load","display_name":"System load","description":"Load probes system load.\n\nResults are:\n- load1: System load (# of processes waiting for I/O or in the run queue) averaged over the last minute\n- load5: System load averaged over the last 5 minutes\n- load15: System load averaged over the last 15 minutes\n- proc-running: Number of processes currently running\n- proc-blocked: Number of processes currently blocked, i.e. waiting for I/O"},{"name":"probes/in-Fb4sQTMqeK6ct-_OhyQ","probe_name":"memory","display_name":"Memory usage","description":"Memory probes memory usage.\n\nResults are:\n- total: Total amount of RAM on this system, in bytes\n- available: An estimate amount of RAM available to programs, in bytes\n- used: Total amount of RAM used by programs, in bytes\n- used-percent: Percentage of RAM used by programs\n- free: Total amout of RAM not used by programs, in bytes\n- swap-total: Total amount of swap memory on this system, in bytes\n- swap-free: Total amout of swap memory not used by programs, in bytes\n- swap-used: Total amount of swap memory used by programs, in bytes\n- swap-used-percent: Percentage of swap memory used by programs"},{"name":"probes/Zn-d8gVASAGacdpD5lYCDA","probe_name":"network","display_name":"Network statistics","description":"Network probes network interface statistics.\n\nResults are:\n- bytes-sent: Number of bytes sent through the interface\n- bytes-received: Number of bytes received through the interface\n- packets-sent: Number of network packets sent through the interface\n- packets-received: Number of network packets receives through the interface\n- error-in: Number of errors while receiving through the interface\n- error-out: Number of errors while sending through the interface\n- tcp-connections: Number of open TCP connections on this interface\n- udp-connections: Number of open UDP connections on this interface","parameters":[{"name":"interfaces","type":"","desc":"A comma-separated list of interfaces to gather information about. If the list is empty, return info about all interfaces. If the parameter is missing, return global information for all interfaces."}]},{"name":"probes/0RSNg9ScTZuwXXSW4B_rWg","probe_name":"process","display_name":"Process statistics","description":"Process probes process statistics and details.\n\nResults are:\n- command-line: The full command-line used to launch this process\n- pid: The PID of this process\n- create-time: The exact time this process started\n- status: A character representing the current status of the process. R: Running, S: Sleep, T: Stop, I: Idle, Z: Zombie, W: Wait, L: Lock.\n- cpu: An approximate percentage of CPU power used by this process\n- memory: An approximate percentage of RAM used by this process\n- rss: The \"Resident Set Size\" is the amount of RAM used by this process, in bytes\n- vms: The \"Virtual Memory Size\" is the total size of memory addressable by this process, in bytes\n- threads: The number of threads this process is currently running\n- files: The number of files currently opened by this process\n- connections: The number of network connections open by this process","parameters":[{"name":"names","type":"","desc":"The names of the processes to gather info for. A process `name` is usually the name of the executable that was launched.","mandatory":true}]},{"name":"probes/rX_X2KONQzehas7h9BX68w","probe_name":"redis","display_name":"Redis statistics","description":"Redis probes a redis store.\n\nResults are:\n- connected-clients: The number of clients currently connected to this Redis server\n- blocked-clients: The number of clients pending on a blocking call\n- used-memory: The amout of memory allocated by this Redis server, in bytes\n- mem-frag-ratio: The ratio between the memory allocated by Redis and the memory as seen by the operating system. See Redis INFO documentation for details.\n- cache-hit-ratio: The cache hit ratio is the ratio between the # cache hits and the # of key requests.\n- uptime: The time since the Redis server was launched, in seconds\n- changes-since-last-save: The number of changes since the last time the database was saved to disk. The number of changes that would be lost upon restart.\n- last-save-time: The UNIX timestamp of the last time the database was saved to disk.\n- ops-per-sec: The number of commands processed by the Redis server per second.\n- rejected-connections: The number of connections rejected because of the maximum connections limit.\n- input-kbps: The incoming bandwith usage of the Redis server, in kilobytes per second.\n- output-kbps: The outgoing bandwith usage of the Redis server, in kilobytes per second.\n- expired-keys: Number of keys that have been removed when reaching their expiration date.\n- evicted-keys: Number of keys removed (evicted) due to reaching maximum memory.\n- master-last-io: Time in seconds since the last interaction with the master Redis server\n- master-link-status: The current status of the link to the master Redis server\n- master-link-down-since: The time in seconds since the link between master and slave is down\n- connected-slaves: The number of slave instances connected to the master Redis server","parameters":[{"name":"address","type":"","desc":"the address of the target redis server to gather metric from.","mandatory":true}]}],"next_page_token":"AAo"}
Edited by Julien Andrieux

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