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Draft: Make publishable to PyPI

Nick Whitelegg requested to merge nickw1/geovisio:pypi-publish into develop

This follows on from !123 (merged) in that it actually makes the API publishable to PyPI.

Following the recommendation at, the geovisio directory, containing the source code, has been moved into a src directory once more. (However the server directory is still not present).

As a result, the tests have been changed to now import from src.geovisio.

The setup.cfg file has been moved into the source directory src/geovisio, so that it's included when you install the package.

The PyPI package has been tested as working, see example project at You have to install from TestPyPI; see the in that repository.

The standard test suite server-test passes. However the server-test-api-conformance test suite fails, reporting dependency issues. I am not sure why this is.

flit is used to upload to PyPI.

I had to make one change in the dependencies when creating the pyproject.toml (config file necessary for PyPI). It did not accept the custom 'git+https' URL for the fs-s3fs package so I used version 1.1.1 which is the latest. Is this critical? If so, I will try and find out how to resolve it. Apparently it is possible, see But I get this error on uploading:

Error: Can't have direct dependency: 'fs-s3fs@git+' for url:

Not sure if anyone has any ideas on that, if not I will try and find out how to resolve it.

Merge request reports