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    Release 2.6.0 · b81f78ae
    antoine-de authored
    ️ Important Note: This version add several quite long migrations. After the migration are run, you should run as a database administrator:
    VACUUM FULL pictures, sequences;
    or use a tool like [pg_repack]( to remove dead tuples and save lot's of space.
    Note that the vacuum will hold an exclusive lock whereas pg_repack will not.
    ️ Important Note ️ : This new versions uses postgres [`session_replication_role`]( for non blocking migrations. This means that the users used to connect to the database must either have superuser privilege, or if postgres version is >= 15, you can grant the permission to the user with:
    GRANT SET ON PARAMETER session_replication_role TO you_user;
    ### Added
    - API routes returning items embed original datetime with timezone information in a new property `datetimetz`.
    - New routes offering [MapLibre Style JSON files]( for each vector tile endpoint (`/api/map/style.json`, `/api/users/me/map/style.json` and `/api/users/:userId/map/style.json`). This will allow more flexibility in offered vector tiles zoom levels and features against clients. These routes are advertised in API landing page with `xyz-style` and `user-xyz-style` links.
    - A new configuration `DB_CHECK_SCHEMA` to tell GeoVisio not to check the database schema on startup, use only if you know you'll not use GeoVisio before updating its schema.
    - Pictures metadata now embed pitch & roll information (`pers:pitch` and `pers:roll` fields).
    - A new configuration `PICTURE_PROCESS_REFRESH_CRON` tell the background workers when to refresh the database stats (they execute the `flask db refresh` command).
    ### Changed
    - All sequences geometries have been updated to be split if pictures were too far apart (linked to change done in [this MR](!244)).
    - Vector tiles from zoom 0 to 5 now offers a grid of available pictures (instead of simplified sequences). They are computed on-demand, so you may want to run `flask db refresh` once a day to keep them up-to-date.
    - Doc and links to match the Gitlab organization rename from GeoVisio to Panoramax.
    ### Fixed
    - Migration to change LineString sequence geometry into MultiLinestring was not compatible with older PostGIS version, making Docker image not able to migrate populated sequences tables from 2.4 to 2.5.
    - Route `/api/collections/:cid/geovisio_status` was returning non-empty list of items when no pictures was yet associated to the sequence.
    - Improve `/api/collections/:cid/geovisio_status` performance for big sequences.
    - Improve performance of big sequences deletion in database.
    ### Removed
    - All binary exif fields are removed from the database. This should save quite a lot of database storage.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.