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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • Major Bug
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
    This is a software bug that should be fixed with a patch to the current pre- or stable- release with high priority..
  • Other labels

  • CMake issue
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
  • Code Cleanup
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
  • Documentation Issue
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
    This is a shortcoming or lack of clarity in documentation for installing or running the software
  • Doing
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
  • Feature request
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
    This is a capabiity that does not exist or should be extended in a future release.
  • Known Issue
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
    This is a known problem/issue with PALISADE, documentation should be developed to highlight it until it can be resolved in a future patch or release
  • Minor Bug
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
    This is a software bug that has a workaround and will be fixed in a future update,  documentation should be updated to reflect the solution..
  • Optimization
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
  • To Do
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
  • incident
    PALISADE / PALISADE Development
    Denotes a disruption to IT services and the associated issues require immediate attention