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Drafts Phase 1: /api/submissions/sync-draft endpoint

Brian Kockritz requested to merge sync-drafts into master

Links to relevant issues


Description of changes, providing context that may help others understand the changes

This MR introduces the /api/submissions/sync-draft endpoint, behind a feature toggle. The toggle does not exist (defaults to off), so the endpoint will not be active in deployed environments. The endpoint will become active when the rest of the sync drafts feature is finished.

The link to issue 307 above includes an anchor to the specification for this endpoint and a high level explanation of its design. The tests in this MR cover everything in the specification, and more.

The next steps of development for 307 are to start working on the client with the aim of getting things hooked up just enough to begin doing some experimentation/testing to validate the design of the sync-draft endpoint.

Edited by Brian Kockritz

Merge request reports