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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • The issue is relevant and sufficiently described, and is accepted implementation by the project.
  • The project team is not able to reproduce the error.
  • The issue is in a preliminary state, it could be a possible idea that needs to mature.
  • The issue need more details/information/examples. What is needed should be specified in comments.
  • Development work is done but integration of issue is still pending
  • Typical use is for closing features or ideas that are no longer relevant. Obsolete issues can be reopened if they become relevant again.
  • The issue is on hold for some reason, which should be described in comments.
  • the issue is verified/reproduced by the project
  • A closing action, we won't fix it -- or we do not accept the feature request.
  • msc topic
    Suitable for a master thesis topic
  • An urgent problem that blocks the system use until the issue is resolved.
  • Should be fixed if time permits but can be postponed.
  • An issue that results in complete loss of functionality and has no workaround, or; part of your application or software doesn’t do what it’s specifically designed to do; there may be a workaround.
  • Non-critical functionality of your software is affected, and the issue may have a workaround.
  • typebug
    a harmful microorganism, typically a bacterium.
  • creating/improving documentation
  • Improvement of existing features