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  • Denver Gingerich's avatar
    auto-retry so user doesn't have to do so manually · f76f806d
    Denver Gingerich authored
    Previously the user had to hit the / (/verify) endpoint repeatedly if
    they wanted jmp-verifier to try delivering the code to the destination
    number again (including if they wanted to advance from SMS to call
    based verification).  Now jmp-verifier sets up its own timers and does
    this automatically, as configured with $call1_timeout, $call2_timeout.
    In particular, jmp-verifier will immediately send an SMS when /verify
    is first hit.  After that, it will place calls to the number after
    $call1_timeout and $call1_timeout + $call2_timeout seconds if the
    recipient has not successfully verified their code by either of those
    points.  Note that subsequent requests to /verify for the same number
    within $code_ttl seconds of the first request will receive an error.
    The user can try again after $code_ttl seconds have passed.
    Excitingly, this change simplifies the code a decent amount.  Of
    particular note is the removal of the jvr_hits-* keys, which are no
    longer needed since we implicitly keep track of the number of times
    the number has been contacted through the SortedSet of calls.  If the
    number is successfully verified, then we just delete the remaining
    calls we would have made.
    So now jmp-verifier only uses a single "table", jvr_code-* - this
    stores the code for the given number/user, just as it did before.  But
    now we don't need any other keys due to the way calls are handled.
    Note that the calls are now initiated by a timer, which fires every
    600 milliseconds (0.6 seconds).  This is done as a way of limiting the
    rate of our calls, since Plivo only allows a maximum of 2 calls per
    second from a given account.  Since we only place at most one call per
    firing of the timer, we'll never hit Plivo's limit.  This does make
    the code a bit less efficient than it might be (since we're waking up
    the CPU every 600 milliseconds to see if there's a call to process,
    even if we know/could have known that there aren't any).  But it does
    also make the code extremely easy to follow, and in practice it seems
    that this strategy uses very minimal CPU resources so not a big deal.