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  • Stephen Paul Weber's avatar
    Plugover refactor · 753f503b
    Stephen Paul Weber authored
    Instead of running stand-alone, this application is now a set of Rack
    middleware that get injected to sgx-catapult.  That means sgx-catapult
    is now a hard dependency (and is included as a submodule so we can
    easily manage the version of that dependency, etc).  sgx-catapult's
    Gemfile is included in our own (though we can have extra stuff if we
    need it).
    Basically, *instead* of running sgx-catapult at all, a user of this
    version of fwdnum runs only this instead, and points catapult callbacks
    for both messaging and voice to this one instance that will be augmented
    to handle both kinds of data coming in.
    Additionally, everything has been refactored to not use blocking IO,
    since changes were large enough that I just went ahead and did that at
    the same time.
    No behaviour should change at this point, but this will make future work
    (such as voicemail and ad-hoc commands to configure fwdcalls) much