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Docker image optimization

Dan Knotek requested to merge feature/docker-image-optimization into development

Co tenhle MR dělá? / What does this MR do?


  • Docker image optimization


REPOSITORY                                TAG                        IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
og                                        latest                     e8d011023593   8 seconds ago        1.61GB


REPOSITORY                                TAG                        IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
og                                        latest                     40b283ea87d0   10 seconds ago       697MB

Související issues / Related issues

Vývojářův kontrolní seznam / Developer checklist

  • Ensure this change works
  • Write unit tests for this change as needed
  • Update the OpenAPI document if exists
  • Ensure CI/CD pipeline passes
  • Create or update the implementation documentation if necessary
  • Include a changelog entry
  • Request a review

Recenzentův kontrolní seznam / Reviewer checklist

Merge request reports