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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.2.1 protected Release: 1.2.1 • Foreground and background tasks usability and documentation improvements
    Foreground and background tasks usability and documentation improvements
    ### Suite
    - Foreground and background tasks now have a custom CoroutineName to ease debugging (0bcd76e2, !76)
    ### Kotest runner
    - Prepared doesn't set the deprecated testCoroutineDispatcher parameter anymore (a8777179, !76)
    ### Documentation
    - Improved documentation of foreground and background tasks
    - Added a website page on foreground and background tasks
  • 1.2.0 protected Release: 1.2.0 • Randomness fixes, documentation website, Kotlin 2.0.0
    Randomness fixes, documentation website, Kotlin 2.0.0
    ### Suite
    - Fixed `randomBoolean()` which returned an `Int` (1a324a04, !74)
    - Fixed all `randomXXX()` functions, which ignored the configured seed (bd9348d0, !74)
    - Fixed the random seed being displayed as 'null' in the standard output even when set (c1bc163d, !74)
    - Fixed low-risk race condition in which prepared values where instantiated more than once (21004559, !74)
    ### Kotest runner
    - Add a dependency on kotest-assertions (!70)
    ### Documentation
    - Create the Prepared website (#47, !72)
    ### Dependencies
    - Kotlin 2.0.0 (55a01666, !70)
    - Kotest 5.9.0 (cf54b569, !73)
    - Arrow 1.2.4 (d7ef0952, !73)
    - KotlinX.Coroutines 1.8.1 (3eeec971, !73)
    - Ktor 2.3.11 (de087573, !73)
  • 1.0.1 protected Release: 1.0.1 • Arrow tracing improvements, documentation fixes
    Arrow tracing improvements, documentation fixes
    ### Arrow compatibility
    - Hide the scary warning about catching raise.Traced (!61)
    ### Documentation
    - Update all links after the move to OpenSavvy Playground (e58175af, !62)
  • 1.0.0 protected Release: 1.0.0 • Stabilization
    ### Suite
    - More concise Shared.toString() and Prepared.toString() (a524c5ac, !47)
    ### Parameterize compatibility
    - Parameterize 0.3.0 (#30, !47)
    - Easily declared Prepared instances from parameterize variables (#30, !47)
    ### Arrow compatibility
    - Arrow 1.2.3 (d06b80ac, !18)
    - Enable the experimental Arrow tracing for failOnRaise (b7bcccde, #16, !18)
    ### Gradle compatibility
    - Stop injecting Kotlin and Groovy in inline build scripts (4b1be0fa, !59)
    - Automatically create project directories when build scripts are created (70a6c855, !43)
    ### Kotest runner
    - Kotest 5.8.1 (72a9b8fe, !37)
    - Reuse Kotest's coroutine scope to avoid JS tests never finishing (#12, !37)
    Warning: at this point, it is unclear whether JS tests run or not. Please visit #44 for more information.
  • 1.0.0-rc.2 protected Release: 1.0.0-rc.2 • Dependency upgrades
    Dependency upgrades
    ### Suite
    - KotlinX.Coroutines 1.8.0
    - KotlinX.Datetime 0.5.0
    ### Kotest runner
    - Kotest 5.8.0
    ### Ktor compatibility
    - Ktor 2.3.8
    ### Gradle compatibility
    - Gradle 8.6
  • 1.0.0-rc.1 protected Release: 1.0.0-rc.1 • Ktor, Parameterized and iOS support, test tagging and stable kotlin-test on JS
    Ktor, Parameterized and iOS support, test tagging and stable kotlin-test on JS
    ### Suite
    - Document that advanceUntilIdle ignores background tasks (#37, !44)
    - Fixed an incorrect example for the class Ignored (ff6de16a, !45)
    - Allow test tagging (757882ff, !45)
    - iOS support (#35, !42)
    - TestConfig instances can now allow being specified multiple times (ad5cbade, #28, !45)
    - Finalizers can now decide whether they are executed depending on test outcome (79d664b3, #41, !49)
    ### Compat: Arrow
    - iOS support (#35, !42)
    ### Compat: Filesystem
    - Temporary files and directories are not deleted anymore when tests fail (76fe7a70, #41, !49)
    ### Compat: Parameterized
    - Create this module to expose the Parameterized library to Prepared tests (#30, !43)
    ### Compat: Ktor
    - Create this module to interoperate with the Ktor Test Host (#42, !51)
    ### Runner: Kotest
    - Prepared test tags are now visibly by the Kotest runner (757882ff, !45)
    - Introduce PreparedSpec (!50)
    - iOS support (#35, !42)
    ### Runner: Kotlin-test
    - Complete rewrite for the JS platforms, which now use officially-supported means of declaring tests dynamically (#38, !54)
    - iOS support (#35, !42)
    ### Build and deployment
    - The project is now based on the Gradle Playground, like all our other projects (!38)
    - Removed the unused 'framework' module (#36, !41)
    ### Dependencies
    - Kotlin 1.9.22 (128dfe13)
    - The iOS targets are now built with MacOS 13 and XCode 14 (7f548d9e)
    - Dokkatoo 2.1.0 (f4a3146f)
  • 0.6.0 protected Release: 0.6.0 • Shared values, user guides and examples
    Shared values, user guides and examples
    ### Suite
    - Helper to share values between all tests (#32, !34)
    ### KotlinX.Datetime compatibility
    - Added time.delayUntil(ISO String) (8510f11e, !33)
    - Added examples to most functions (422dbb08, !33)
    ### java.time compatibility
    - Split into its own module (was previously in Suite's jvmMain) (#34, !35)
    ### Arrow compatibility
    - Allow using failOnRaise outside the Test DSL (!33)
    - Added assertRaises and variants (!33)
    - Added examples to most functions (e2b8f421, !33)
    ### Filesystem access
    - Shorter names for children files (#29, !32)
    ### Kotlin-test runner
    - When nested suites are unnested on JS, embed the relationship in the name so it isn't lost (0f3b4578, !33)
    - Added a guide to explain how to configure, and listed downsides (#26, !33)
    ### Kotest runner
    - Added a guide to explain how to configure, and listed downsides (#26, !33)
    ### Documentation
    - Module-level documentation for all modules (#20, #26, !33)
  • 0.5.0 protected Release: 0.5.0 • Arrow Core and configurable tests
    Arrow compatibility and configurable tests
    ### Suite
    - General purpose TestConfig (f5508b85, !31)
    - Allow marking tests as ignored (a9536914, !31)
    - Allow configuring the Coroutine test timeout (#27, 018a39bb, !31)
    ### Arrow compatibility
    - Added failOnRaise to fail a test using the Raise DSL (#16, !27)
  • 0.4.0 protected Release: 0.4.0 • Nullable prepared values, Gradle TestKit helpers
    Nullable prepared values and Gradle TestKit
    ### Suite
    - Allow nullable prepared values (#23, !25)
    ### Gradle TestKit
    - Added a module with helpers to test Gradle plugins (#22, !29)
    ### Documentation
    - Added an example in the README (#25, !30)
  • 0.3.0 protected Release: 0.3.0 • Randomness control, filesystem control and better logging
    Randomness control, filesystem control and better logging
    ### Test API
    - Prepared values log their actual values to the test output (#17, !19)
    - Improved logging for finalizers (!19)
    - Document the usefulness of PreparedProvider (#19, !20)
    - Generate random values, and reproduce previous test executions by generating the same random values (#24, !26)
    - Made the name of prepared values public (63f52eb1, !23)
    ### Runners
    - The Kotest runner now exposes the Kotest engine (#15, !17)
    ### Compatibility modules
    - Utilities to create temporary directories and files with and java.nio (#21, !23)
    ### Build and deployment
    - Switch from Dokka to Dokkatoo
  • 0.2.2 protected Release: 0.2.2 • Initial alpha
    MavenCentral publication based on the Gradle Playground
  • 0.2.1 protected
    MavenCentral metadata
  • 0.2.0 protected
    Initial alpha
    ### Suite
    - Declare nested test suites
    - Lazy fixtures with 'prepared'
    - Test finalizers
    - Time control
    ### Kotlin-test runner
    - Kotlin/JVM support
    - Kotlin/JS support
    ### Kotest runner
    - Kotlin/JVM support
    - Kotlin/JS support
    - Kotlin/Native support
  • 0.1.1 protected
    74ea7b5d · merge: Time control ·
    Protect the environment
  • 0.1.0 protected
    74ea7b5d · merge: Time control ·
    Initial alpha
    ### Suite
    - Declare nested test suites
    - Lazy fixtures with 'prepared'
    - Test finalizers
    - Time control
    ### Kotlin-test runner
    - Kotlin/JVM support
    - Kotlin/JS support
    ### Kotest runner
    - Kotlin/JVM support
    - Kotlin/JS support
    - Kotlin/Native support