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Update metafed and openIPF fedselect dropdown

Rosie Wilson requested to merge rosieposier/opl-data:APLA-config-metafed into main

Adds corrections to crates/db/src/ and server/templates/openipf/widget-fedselect.tera to accurately display APLA and APU data for all given date ranges. I have thoroughly double-checked all dates. I built the server locally to test all changes worked as intended and the results now display correctly for APLA and APU with affiliated federation results appearing as they should for all years including APLA/APU/IPF/ORPF/AsianPF/CommonwealthPF. I also tested all of those parameters for OpenIPF via '' with the project running locally and also confirmed that the dropdown list had updated correctly. Everything passed checker. All good to merge. :) :) :) :) :) :)

Merge request reports