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Landau matching and finite nuclei

David Mueller requested to merge dmueller/curraun:landau_matching into master

This merge request consists of the following new features (in order of commits):

  • A small fix for the energy density contribution of B_L in Now it always stays positive.
  • A new module, which computes all components of the energy momentum tensor and does Landau matching (i.e. diagonalizes T^\mu\nu). Using this one can compute the local rest frame energy density and the flow velocity of the Glasma.
  • An updated version of which includes options to specify a transverse shape for nuclei. This enables simulations of collisions with finite nuclei and in particular off-central collisions (check out the new notebook!).
  • A Jupyter notebook on Landau matching and off-central collisions, which can be used to generate initial conditions for MUSIC in the format of IP-Glasma.


Merge request reports