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Use the correct argument when adding service items remotely

  • Fix #912 (closed) by using the correct argument
  • Fix the tests on macOS (and now my machine) where some version of libxml2 has an error that causes syntax errors in the resulting XML.

Note on the XML issue:

When running TestOpenLyricsImport.test_can_parse_file_having_a_processing_instruction I was consistently getting an XMLSyntaxError. I traced it down to _process_verse_lines() in OpenLyrics where we converted an lxml.objectify object to a string and parsed it via etree.XML() (to de-objectify it).

For some reason, etree.tostring() was generating a string with trailing XML tags that should not have been there:

<lines>Amazing grace how sweet the sound<br/>that saved a wretch like me;</lines></verse></lyrics></song>

I installed both earlier and the most current versions of lxml in a virtual environment and they all worked fine, but as soon as I went back to lxml 4.6.3 with whatever system wide version of libxml2 that I have, it would do that again. I tested this both with the tests (running pytest inside and outside my virtual environment), as well as in OpenLP with a proper import.

This is also happening on macOS (as can be seen with the tests that are failing), so it points toward some particular combination of lxml and libxml2. The easiest way around this was to just remove those extra closing tags before re-parsing the XML string.

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