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Rename empty view-preset id from emtpymapview to emptymap

Closes #21 (closed)

Issue was caused by the following: if a view-preset is not set, the workspace-preset tries to save with an "Emtpy Map", linking to a view-preset id equal to: "viewPresetId":"emptyMap". This view-preset does not exist, instead the id is equal to emtpyMapView.

To fix the issue, the id of the Empty Map view-preset was renamed to emptyMap.

How to test:

Try to reproduce the error and make sure that you can save now:

  • start the presets-be locally with docker, make sure to set your variable DEPLOY_ENVIRNMENT="open"
  • set up your local FE config so that it uses the docker ( "GW_PRESET_BACKEND_URL": "", )
  • Make sure to first accept the certificate by opening https://localhost:4443/ in your browser
  • In another tab in the same browser go to http://localhost:5400
  • split view
  • save as workspace
  • it should save now

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