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Draft: INVESTIGATION Add code to allow for automatic migrations

Mizzi van der Ven requested to merge autogenerate-migration into main

Proposal MR to activate automated migrations

By adding the declarative base & running a command like: alembic revision --autogenerate -m "test auto migration" , alembic auto-generates migrations based on changes in the SQL models (with table=True)

Possible advantages

  • Only need to define the table once. In this repo, the classes ViewPreset and WorkspacePreset ( SQLModel, table=True) will be used as bases to define the the tables
  • If changes are made to these classes, you can run the alembic revision --autogenerate -m "..." command so the migration script is automatically generated
  • This saves "double" work, having to make changes in both and writing the migratoin script

How to test

  • Make sure alembic works/is enabled in your repo
  • Make a change change to one of the SQLModels (ViewPreset and/or WorkspacePreset) in add a dummy field, change type etc.
  • Run the alembic command to autogenerate a migration
  • A new migration script should show up in the directory migrations/versions. The changes in this script should reflect the ones you made in the file
Edited by Mizzi van der Ven

Merge request reports