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working week ends is not discouraged

Loïc Dachary requested to merge dachary/public:working-week-ends into master

I like to work week ends in general. It is the time of the week where I'm most relaxed, less distracted and more productive. I am very bad at handling stressful situations and my coping mechanisms are to complete the work well in advance and/or undercommit. I'm not working week-ends to catch up when I'm late. I work week-ends to be ahead and I find this very relaxing.

I realize the "not working week end" is important to most people. I also realize that a company culture where most people are implicitly expected to work week ends can be very stressful and toxic. This should be stated clearly and I find this part of the handbook super important.

My request is essentially to be allowed to work week ends because it is an important part of how I function.

Merge request reports