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[FAL-1692] Add a section "How to select tasks" for the mentor role.

Usman Khalid requested to merge symbolist/select-tasks into master

Add a section to the handbook under Roles: Mentor titled something like "How to select newcomer tasks".

Ensure that it covers the following points:

  • How to find tasks for the newcomer's first sprint(s)
  • How to find tasks for the newcomer's later, more experienced sprint(s) (if things are going well)
  • How to find tasks for the newcomer's final sprint (if we are ending the trial period). E.g.

It's definitely better to assign them tasks that they might be able to complete without wasting budget hours, even if it's from the onboarding budget, but if this type of task isn't available, we can then focus on giving them tasks that aren't urgent, ie that can be rescheduled for the following sprint when they leave, to limit the impact on the rest of the team.

  • How to deal with tasks left behind once a newcomer departs. Maybe we can also add this as part of the mentor roles, make sure the left tickets are reassigned after a newcomer leaves, so the mentor can also take some with some context and even use FireFighters for the ones that need to be finished during a sprint

This last point is already covered by the offboarding checklist and something the recruitment manager takes care of.

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