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[SE-3944] Automate creation of cells page via validated organizational schema.

Fox Piacenti requested to merge fox/SE-3944-normalized-cell-data into master

This pull request adds a canonical data file and format for use with cataloging our organizational structure. It then takes that file and uses it to regenerate the human-readable Cells page that define who is in which team.

This feature has also been hooked into the mkdocs infrastructure via plugin which allows for easy hook exposure.

JIRA tickets:

Testing instructions:

  1. Install all new requirements
  2. mkdocs serve
  3. Verify that the docs render correctly and that the cells page is well formatted.
  4. Edit the opencraft.yml file to add or remove a user, or perform other in-schema changes.
  5. Verify the cells page is updated automatically by the autobuilder.
  6. Make an invalid change to the opencraft.yml file.
  7. Verify a useful traceback is provided.
  8. Change the build script.
  9. Verify this results in a rebuild as well.

Author notes and concerns:

The original ticket suggests pulling the canonical user lists from Jira. However @antoviaque suggested instead just using the YAML file created by this pull request as the canonical cells list. This seemed sensible to me and so there is no Jira integration in this PR. If we can think of a good reason to go ahead and add that, we can do so, building the YML from what we pull.


CC @swalladge who I think would like this PR.

Edited by Nizar

Merge request reports