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[SE-3634] Add instruction to create tasks for any issues found in onboarding course.

Fox Piacenti requested to merge fox/SE-3634-finish-onboarding-rework into onboarding

This pull request instructs the learner/new core team member to fix the issues they found in the onboarding course by scheduling out tasks for the next sprint.

JIRA tickets:

Sandbox URL: TBD - sandbox is being provisioned.

Merge deadline: "None" if there's no rush, "ASAP" if it's critical, or provide a specific date if there is one.

Testing instructions:

  1. Visit and verify the new unit's information is accurate and in the correct place.

Author notes and concerns:

This unit could have been better if the changes to the sprint process were merged, so I could link to, say, the task creation template. However that has not yet happened so the course will give a more generic instruction that the reader may have to ask their mentor for clarification on.

Then again, by the time they encounter this unit, they may already be familiar with the process enough to complete the task.


Edited by Nizar

Merge request reports