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fix: workaround for adding large scripts to CLI_DO_INIT_TASKS

Artur Gaspar requested to merge artur/lms-job-script-size into main


Adds a workaround to break up scripts in CLI_DO_INIT_TASKS that are too large to be passed to one invocation of sh.

Testing instructions

Steps to test the changes:

  1. Add a large amount of data to the site_configuration of each GROVE_ADDITIONAL_DOMAINS, so that none individually exceed 128KiB, but do in total.
  2. See that deploy fails with exec /usr/bin/sh: argument list too long.
    • $ ./kubectl logs --namespace=opencraft --follow lms-job-20240128192139-67b29
      docker run -i -t --rm --platform linux/amd64 --workdir /workspace --mount type=bind,source=/home/artur/Opencraft/client/asu-moe/grove-development,destination=/workspace --mount type=bind,source=/home/artur/Opencraft/client/asu-moe/grove-development/kubeconfig-private.yml,destination=/home/grove/.kube/config -e TF_VAR_cluster_name -e TF_VAR_cluster_provider -e TF_VAR_aws_region -e TF_VAR_ami_id -e TF_VAR_max_worker_node_count -e TF_VAR_worker_node_size -e TF_VAR_rds_instance_class -e TF_VAR_rds_min_storage -e TF_VAR_rds_max_storage -e TF_VAR_rds_ca_cert_identifier -e TF_VAR_mongodbatlas_project_id -e DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH -e TUTOR_DOCKER_REGISTRY -e TUTOR_PLUGINS_ROOT -e TF_VAR_mongodb_version -e TF_VAR_cluster_domain -e TF_VAR_enable_monitoring_ingress -e TF_VAR_opensearch_persistence_size -e GITLAB_PROJECT_NUMERIC_ID -e GITLAB_USERNAME -e CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE -e GITLAB_PASSWORD -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e MONGODB_ATLAS_PUBLIC_KEY -e MONGODB_ATLAS_PRIVATE_KEY -e DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN -e SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e SPACES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e NEW_RELIC_API_KEY -e NEW_RELIC_MONITORING_EMAILS -e NEW_RELIC_REGION -e TF_VAR_gitlab_group_deploy_token_username -e TF_VAR_gitlab_group_deploy_token_password -e TF_VAR_gitlab_cluster_agent_token -e TF_VAR_do_token -e TF_STATE_NAME -e TF_VAR_gitlab_project_id -e TF_USERNAME -e TF_PASSWORD -e GITLAB_TOKEN -e TF_ROOT -e TF_ADDRESS -e CI_PROJECT_DIR kubectl logs --namespace=opencraft --follow lms-job-20240128192139-67b29
      exec /usr/bin/sh: argument list too long
  3. Use this branch of tutor-contrib-grove, deploy again.
  4. See that deploy succeeds.
  5. See that the correct init commands are run.


If any of the items below is not applicable, do not remove them, but put a check in it.

  • Git commit history is clean
  • Git commits are following conventional-commit practices
  • Unit tests are added/updated
  • Documentation is added/updated

Additional context


Edited by Artur Gaspar

Merge request reports