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Fix recurring sprint checklist items

This MR fixes how the roles for the organization are loaded and binds this to the organization file in a reproduceable way.

It also introduces a setting to override how the organization file is interpreted, in keeping with the aim to make SprintCraft more generally useful.

JIRA tickets:


Testing instructions:

  1. Build the SprintCraft application.
  2. Attempt to load the roles based on the file at

Author notes and concerns:

  1. I'm not entirely sure this will fix everything, as I'm not quite sure how Monday is set up for this. My expectation is that it will mostly work, but that the Monday template may need to be updated for slight differences in the naming of roles.
  2. The old version didn't seem to have a concept of backup/delegated roles. This will likely make backup role holders have the tasks of the role where they may not have previously. Not sure how we want to handle that, or if it's fine to leave as is.


Edited by Maxim Beder

Merge request reports