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[STAR-3075] feat: Send emails via celery tasks.

Fox Piacenti requested to merge fox/STAR-3075-async-emails into master

This merge request replaces the email backend with a celery-based email backend. The existing settings are then used instead to set the backend of this new backend.

Supporting information

Testing instructions

Step by step procedure

  1. Check out this branch
  2. make stop && make build && make up && make shell
  3. In another terminal, make logs
  4. Back in the first terminal, ./ shell
  5. Send some emails like so:
from django.core import mail

emails = (
    ('Hey Man', "I'm The Dude! So that's what you call me.", '', ['']),
    ('Dammit Walter', "Let's go bowlin'.", '', ['']),
results = mail.send_mass_mail(emails)
  1. Check the log terminal to verify that they were sent to console on the celery container.

Merge request reports