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feat: Add reminder email for recurrence

Farhaan Bukhsh requested to merge farhaan/bb-6439-add-reminders into master

This feature adds a way to send notification reminders of a pending checklist. Not only that we remove the create checklist mail and instead, we send a default mail about pending checklist.

JIRA tickets: BB-6439 GitLab Issues: #42 (closed) Discussions: Link to any public dicussions about this PR or the design/architecture. Otherwise omit this.

Dependencies: None

Screenshots: Always include screenshots if there is any change to the UI.

Sandbox URL: TBD - sandbox is being provisioned.

Merge deadline: "None" if there's no rush, "ASAP" if it's critical, or provide a specific date if there is one.

Testing instructions:

  1. Follow Navin's Comment to create checklist and recurrence.
  2. Create a recurrence that repeats in 1 day and check the celeryworker logs docker logs -f listaflow-celeryworker-1
  3. The create checklist task should have been executed and "Pending Checklist" mail should be on the terminal
  4. Change crontab to use crontab() so that it runs minutely.
  5. Make sure you have runs which has ending date at least 1 day later.
  6. Task should get scheduled and mail should be seen on terminal.

Author notes and concerns:



Fixes: #42 (closed) Co-authored-by: <> Private-ref:

Edited by Farhaan Bukhsh

Merge request reports