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fix: Report backend adjustments

Dat Nguyen requested to merge dat/fix/BB-6449_report_adjustment into master

Supporting information



  • Some adjustments needed to be made for report generation API working properly


  • Allow compare runs of inactive recurrences (test included)
  • Fix the issue fetching CSV report of empty recurrence with checklist that has numeric task definition (test included)
  • Add a management command to allow admin user to trigger creating and recomputing trends report manually (test included)

Testing instruction

  1. Create checklist that has one or numeric tasks
  2. Create recurrence for created checklist
  3. Call API to get recurrence trends report in CSV format -- Expected behavior: No error returned (500), empty CSV responded
  4. Configure to generate some recurrence runs
  5. Deactivate recurrence and call compare API with a date range -- Expected behavior: List of run responded properly
  6. Navigate to Admin > Workflow > Recurrence trend task reports
  7. Delete all trends report of the recurrence
  8. Run command to trigger creating and computing trends report for recurrence
python create_and_compute_trends_report --recurrence_id <recurrence_id>
  1. Check Recurrence trend task reports instances in the admin UI again -- Expected behavior: Trends reports of all task definitions are created for the recurrence and data is computed properly


Edited by Dat Nguyen

Merge request reports