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refactor: post launch improvements

Navin Karkera requested to merge navin/post-launch into master

Checklist from original issue

  • Navigation:

    • Make the checklist listing the default page when you're logged in, rather than the template listing.
    • When you visit a page that requires you to be logged in, Listaflow redirects you to the login page. Make sure that when you log in, it takes you back to the page you meant to visit.
    • Change "My Lists" in the main nav to "Lists".
    • Remove the wording "Log out" and display only the icon. Alternatively, you can go one step further and replace the log out link with a profile icon (as shown in the design), then add the log out link to a dropdown menu from the profile icon. This dropdown menu will be required in the future when we add more pages)
  • Add description text to the "Sprint Retrospective & Planning" template:

    • Add description text underneath the template title (above “X of X tasks complete”)
    • For each run of the template, enter the date range of the applicable Core Contributor sprint (see example in this forum post)
  • Linear rating scale list item:

    • Add the ability to select and set the rating via the keyboard.
    • Implement the default/hover/focus/active styles according to this revised guide
    • Only change the style of the hovered or active item, not the item/s preceding it
  • Optional / Required items:

    • Remove the "optional" label and instead mark required items using an asterisk (e.g. "* Lorem Ipsum"). Note that there is a space between the asterisk and the name of the item
  • [x] Subsections:

    • [x] Update the styling of subsections as per the design. The number in the circle indicates the number of list items a subsection holds (both required and optional items are tallied)
  • Expandable list items (i.e. items with a chevron to their right):

    • Only make a list item expandable if it contains additional content. Remove chevrons from any list items that are not expandable.
    • Decrease the padding above and below content within an expandable section by approximately 14px (both above and below)
    • Decrease the wrap of the content within an expandable section to match the design (see the fourth list item here)
  • Checkboxes:

    • Add a hover state. Make the checkbox border #FFFFFF and 2px upon hover
  • Post Submission:

    • After the user has selected the "submit" button on a list, remove the button so only the green success notification appears
    • If the user updates a task in way that the completion status does not change, button should stay hidden else it should appear again.
    • Submit button text changes to Submit again if completion status changes. It is also updated if user clicks on submit and the request fails due to incomplete items

Related tickets

Testing instructions

Go through the checklist and make sure it is working as intended.

Edited by Navin Karkera

Merge request reports