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BB-6299 Report Generation (Back-end)

Dat Nguyen requested to merge feature/BB-6299_report_generation_backend_dat into master

Supporting information

Changes (backend)

  • Create report classes to handle serving report in different formats and caching
  • Create Recurrence trends report
  • Create detail, list and compare views for serving Run's checklists

Testing instructions

  • Build and up Listaflow in local environment
  • Create Recurrence, Run and let Run create checklists for team members
  • Call APIs and verify that data in the response sufficient to render corresponding report (referred in the GitLab issue)
  • For POST APIs, you might need to use tools like Postman or curl to test

Note: Kindly refer to attached file for Postman collection file I exported. You need to handle some environment variables like AUTH_TOKEN.

PoW video


Edited by Dat Nguyen

Merge request reports