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BB-6172 Implement internationalization for Django and React

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Original story

"As a user, I want support for internalization in Listaflow"


  • Django

    • Enable locale module for Django
    • Add translation files for Django
    • Extract messages for Django
  • React

    • Install react-i18next package
    • Extract messages for React
    • Mock react-i18next for testing


Testing instruction

Tests are for language detection and translation features. Note

  • React: Only English, Vietnamese, Arabic are supported at the moment.
  • Django: Only English, Vietnamese are supported at the moment.


  • Make sure the application up and running

(Backend + Frontend) Supported language case

  • Change your browser's language to one of supported languages
  • Open web page
  • The language displaying on the application should change to match with browser's language

(Backend + Frontend) Not supported language case

  • Change your browser's language to a language that is not in supported languages list
  • Open web page
  • The language displaying on the application should fallback to English

(Frontend) RTL support

  • Change your browser's language to Arabic
  • Open web page
  • UI elements displays in RTL style


Edited by Dat Nguyen

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