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[BB-8672] feat: 'From user' for emails.

Fox Piacenti requested to merge fox/changeable-from into master

This MR allows setting a specific team member to be selected for the purposes of sending reminder emails.

Supporting information

  • Jira ticket: url
  • GitLab issue: url

Testing instructions

Step by step procedure

  1. Check out this branch and run migrations
  2. Set up recurrence in the admin with a short interval, like 5 minutes, and a same day due date with default reminder.
  3. Wait a bit for a recurrence to generate.
  4. In one terminal tab, make logs
  5. In another, make shell
  6. then ./ shell and
    from workflow.tasks import send_reminder_emails
  7. Check the headers of the email to make sure they make sense-- showing the email to be labeled as from their team rather than Listaflow, but with Listaflow's email.
  8. Go back to the recurrence in the admin and pick a team member as the 'from_user`. Save, and send reminders again.
  9. Verify the resulting headers show the selected person as the sender.

Author notes and concerns

I'm removing the reply_to field on email templates. Let me know if you see any issues with this.

Edited by Fox Piacenti

Merge request reports