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Note about "image does not exist locally" error

Braden MacDonald requested to merge note-bug-in-docs into main


I'm not sure why this is but anytime I run ./grove run-pipeline build-instance-image ..., even if it successfully builds the image, it reports this error at the end:

/workspace/instances/clipboard-preview/.venv/bin/tutor images push openedx

Pushing image

docker push

The push refers to repository []

An image does not exist locally with the tag:

Error: Command failed with status 1: docker push

(Note: I edited this to replace the repo name, so that's not what the issue is.)

It seems that the image is somehow pushed during the build step, and not stored locally, so this subsequent "push images" command fails. But the whole thing has actually worked, and I can proceed with using and deploying the new image.

Supporting information

I don't know the root cause of the issue.

Testing instructions

Steps to test the changes:

  1. Run ./grove run-pipeline build-instance-image instance-name openedx while working locally.






If any of the items below is not applicable, do not remove them, but put a check in it.

  • All providers include the new feature/change
  • All affected providers can provision new clusters
  • Unit tests are added/updated
  • Documentation is added/updated
  • The TOOLS_CONTAINER_IMAGE_VERSION in ci_vars.yml is updated
  • The grove-template repository is updated

Additional context


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