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[BB-5096] Fix k8s gitlab container registry authentication issue

Shimul Chowdhury requested to merge shimulch/k8s-gitlab-container-registry into main


This MR fixes the authentication issue during docker login with GitLab Container Registry from the k8s cluster.

Terraform will now create -

  • A Deploy Token that will be used to authenticate with GitLab Container Registry.
  • A k8s namespace for each Tutor instance.
  • A k8s secret containing the deploy token.
  • Modifies the default service account for each k8s namespace to add imagePullSecrets.

Supporting information

Testing instructions

Image build support for each instance is being added via !13 (merged), which is not yet merged. I've rebased that MR on this MR so that we can test these changes.

  1. Check this failing pipeline before this changes.
  2. Specifically check this job how it failed due to an authentication issue.
  3. This is the passed pipeline due to these changes.
  4. Check this job, it was able to pull images from the GitLab Container registry.

You can also check if those resources are created properly via Terraform. To do that, you need to

  1. Clone bb-4779-theme-overrides branch of the grove-development repository.
  2. Copy private.yml.example to private.yml.
  3. Update contents of the file to -


  # The numeric ID of the GitLab project. Doesn't need to be set on GitLab CI as it can be autodetected (via $CI_PROJECT_ID).
  # The project should be a fork of
  # You can see at that its project ID is 24377526

  # Your GitLab username

  # A GitLab personal access token with Maintainer access to that repository
  # (required to use GitLab state backend, see
  # Create one at with "api" permission

  # Get these values from GitLab CI/CD env -

  1. Go to the control directory and run ./kubectl get secrets -n themeoverride -o yaml to check the secret.
  2. Run ./kubectl get serviceaccounts -n themeoverride default -o yaml to check that imagePullSecrets is set to the secret.

Note: If you face an issue running ./kubectl command, check the generated kubeconfig-private.yml file. If there is a debug log written on the top of the file, delete it and try again. It's an known issue.


Edited by Giovanni Cimolin da Silva

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