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fix: upgrade to k8s v1.25

Keith Grootboom requested to merge keith/upgrade-kubernetes into main


  • Upgrades the Kubernetes version
    • DO => v1.25
    • AWS => 1.24
  • Fixes the EBS volumes in AWS since you need the CSI driver now. See AWS release notes for v1.24
  • Disable the PodSecurityPolicy for cert-manager because it's no longer supported in k8s 1.25. At the moment there's no workaround provided by cert-manager.

Other information

Notes for the changelog:

  • Apply the changes for cert manager will fail due to the PodSecurityPolicy on the older pods. To fix, you can delete the PodSecurityPolicy objects. kubectl get psp -nkube-system to get the objects. Then delete the cert-manager ones with kubectl delete psp -nkube-system {name}

Testing instructions

Verify that creating and destroying clusters for DO and AWS work without errors.


If any of the items below is not applicable, do not remove them, but put a check in it.

  • All providers include the new feature/change
  • All affected providers can provision new clusters
  • Unit tests are added/updated
  • Documentation is added/updated
  • The TOOLS_CONTAINER_IMAGE_VERSION in ci_vars.yml is updated
  • The grove-template repository is updated
Edited by Keith Grootboom

Merge request reports